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Andreas Seremak

Andreas Seremak urodzony 1953 roku w Poznaniu.
Preferuje Malarstwo Realistyczne i impressionistyczne. Malarstwo farbami olejnymi na lnie. W Polsce malarstwo bylo przyjmowane z duzym zainteresowaniem. Zamieszkuje obecnie w Deutschland gdzie od 1986 organizuje w kazdym roku wiele wystaw. Za granica w Paryzu w Peugeut-Center wystawa moich dzel byla z wielkim zainteresowaniem przyjeta. Obrazy zostaly wydrukowane w swiatowy katalogu stuki.
Jest jeszcze wiele interesujacych wydarzen w moim zyciu artystycznym. Najlepiej jednak opowiedza o mnie moje obrazy, kture maluje z wielka pasja. Zapraszam serdecznie do mojej online-galerie Art Seremakkunst.
Andreas Seremak was born 1953 in its hometown Poznan (Poland). Already as a small child it was interested fur the painting. 1980 deepened and refined Andreas Seremak this range then, when he is ubergesiedelt to Cologne, where he still lives today. Then also Andreas's continued his passion to painting and carried out new ideas. Marks means fur Andreas to print out and convert not understandable emotions in special way. Its pictures are stimmungsabhangig - times tension - times gently... even like Andreas's are.

Handling the material oil connects itself well with its life attitude. The work to the Staffelei, the direct argument with the canvas, the material and the expressiven proceeding are a valve of its. Andreas Seremak issues its pictures in Germany with large success, as many of its past exhibitions prove. Also by the press its pictures were taken up very positively. Andreas Seremak continues to plan already, the next large exhibition of him in Barcelona will be. Its plans continue however still much, planned among other things exhibitions in Paris and in Switzerland. Andreas Seremak has still another passion, swimming, it has with his crew already some placing "erschwommen". Before Andreas Seremak one can pull only the hat, as he itself with its whole strength clean-hung and this to each day we wishes Andres fur its plans still all property and to become him naturally further to accompany

"Malbork zima"

Opis Malbork zima, zamek krzyzacki z 1410 Obraz olejny na lnie Autor. Andreas Seremak Malowany 1998 Kategoria malarstwo Technika olej Format 70 X 50 Cena: 800 zł
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